Msp430 Uart Bootloader

Msp430 Uart Bootloader Average ratng: 9,1/10 2347 reviews

This repository contains everything necessary to loading a program in a MSP430F5529 flash memory through uart using the BSL (Bootstrap Loader). My intention with BSL was that I could get a command through an UCA0 from MSP, and turn on the 'firmware upgrade' function. Upon entering this mode, the same UCA0 would receive the new firmware, update and restart the controller. So it would be possible to put my project in the field, and with each bug found, be able to correct it effectively.

The biggest incentive to make this repository was the time I spent looking for a clear tutorial to start understanding BSL. I believe that if someone who is researching the subject follow the instructions here, have a starting point to make their own changes.

All content and materials on this site are provided 'as is'. TI and its respective suppliers and providers of content make no representations about the suitability of these materials for any purpose and disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to these materials, including but not limited to all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose. This bootstrap loader provides a method to program the flash memory during MSP430 project development and updates. It can be activated by a utility that sends commands using the UART protocol. The BSL enables the user to control the activity of the MSP430 and to exchange data using a personal computer or other device.

Most of the codes and documentation that texas provides are dated to 2013. When I went to use with the most up-to-date versions of the compiler in CCS v6 many problems appeared. When I was able to compile the codes without errors, I was not able to find which part of my code was not working right.

In the end, I was continue when I found the wiki on the subject. But even so the example that was there used old versions of the standard code. I decided to update that example with the latest versions, and test on MSP430F5529 and post here.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for aplication purposes. All code in this project can be found in these two links:

  • (In the session custom-bsl430) <Last accessed 9/27/2017>
  • <Last accessed 9/27/2017>

All I did was just get several parts of the codes contained in these links and make it work the right way.


League of legends pathc. Here is all the pertinent information to be able to burn this code in an MSP430f5529 that I also used.

I do not know exactly if a previous or later version of CCS will present problems, but if any appears, download the same version as mine. Unlike the IDE, the compiler version and the script are important that are the ones I'm using, as they are the ones that work, I do not guarantee that later or previous versions will work as expected.

I left links to get my CCS and scripter versions. And a texas tutorial on how to download other versions of the TI compiler inside the CCS.

  • CCS versions: <Last accessed 9/27/2017>

  • Scripter: <Last accessed 9/27/2017>

  • TI compiler tutorial: <Last accessed 9/27/2017>

Using in CSS with MSP-FET

After certifying that everything is as I listed above, we will use the CCS. Doing this is a very basic thing, but I think it needs to be explained right and you need to be aware if everything is correct. First go to File-> Import..

In the Code Composer Studio tab select CCS projects

Click browse, point to the src folder inside the cloned repository on your machine. The project will appear under the name of MSP430F5529_BSL. Click finish.

This project will appear in project explorer. Right-click on this and go to properties.

This part is important. If the 'Compiler Version' field is not TI v4.1.9, back and read the link to download older versions of the compiler. Make sure the rest is the same and now go to Build-> MSP430 Linker.

Go to 'MSP430 Properties' and check if the 'Allow Read/Write/Erase access to BSL memory' box is checked. And if 'Erase main, information and protected information memory in Erase Options' is checked. If all is correct, click Apply and then OK.

Finally, go to Project-> Build Project and wait. When finished, this indicated line displayed in the photo will be with warning. As far as I've used this code, it does not affect how it works. If someone has problems and/or find out how to resolve this warning correctly, please contact me.


In the examples folder you can find all the information you need to test whether these codes really work. It's quite simple indeed.

I used a PL2303 USB to UART to test. Any such chip that converts USB to serial works. (

First look at the schematic contained in the sch folder, and after mounting the hardware correctly open the windows prompt and navigate to the bsl-msp430examplesusb_to_serialscript folder. Open the script.txt and change the COM number. There, simply call the command line:

The following must appear:

Now it is necessary to look if the LED previously connected is blinking. After all this, you are able to upload any firmware in txt format. How to generate this kind of file for your firmware in the CCS or IAR Workbench to be able to burn through this method? Read the documentation provided on the texas instruments website or in the folder in that repository called docs.

I hope you get the same result as me :D.

After testing like this, you'll need to test how to call BSL load mode within an actual application. Inside the proj folder you have a project that you can import into CCS and sending the strings through the same upload uart as 'RUN BSLr' will put in the same state, and then the process of running the script is the same.

This code is not complicated I recommend you read it well and understand exactly how it works. You can adapt a function to call BSL in your own application easily.


If you think this is worth improving in any way, either with this or anything, send me an email :D.


  • Rafael Coelho Silva - rafaellcoellho

My personal e-mail:


As all the code written here was provided by texas instruments all comments describing the license were kept, if you have any questions just look in src files or email texas instruments.

MSPBSL:Bootloader (BSL) for MSP low-power microcontrollers

The Bootloader (BSL, formerly known as the bootstrap loader) is an application built into MSP low-power microcontrollers. It enables the user to communicate with the device to read from and write to its memory. This feature is primarily used for programming the device, during prototyping, final production, and in service. Both the programmable memory (Flash memory or FRAM) and the data memory (RAM) can be modified as required. Different BSLs offer different peripherals to communicate with, e.g. UART, I2C, SPI, or USB.

MSP430/MSP432 Custom Bootloader (BSL) PackageThe custom bootloader packages contain BSL source code and released BSL firmware images for MSP430 and MSP432 microcontrollers. The source code can be used as reference for developing a custom BSL. The firmware images are provided to update or restore the factory BSL if needed.

MSP430 Main Memory BootloaderMSPBoot is a main memory custom bootloader solution that can be implemented on any MSP430 microcontroller. The base example uses I2C communication, and MSPBoot also supports different communication interfaces like UART or SPI, and it is fully customizable. This highly flexible and modular custom bootloader solution includes options like dual-image support and interrupt and reset vector redirection. MSPBoot is a good option when additional custom features are needed that are not provided in the built-in BSL.

BSL ScripterThe BSL Scripter is a PC application that is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is a user interface which allows to easily communicate with the BSL on MSP430 and MSP432 devices to modify the device's memory via UART, I2C, SPI or USB. Supported programming adapters are the MSP-BSL programmer ('BSL Rocket') and the MSP-FET.

MSP430FR5x/FR6x Crypto-Bootloader (CryptoBSL)The Crypto-Bootloader (CryptoBSL) is a custom bootloader that was developed and implemented on the MSP430FR5x and MSP430FR6x FRAM microcontrollers. This bootloader uses cryptographic functions to enable increased security for in-field firmware updates.

MSP-BSL Programmer (‘BSL Rocket’)The MSP-BSL (previously called the MSP430-BSL, or BSL Rocket) is a low-cost programmer. It is designed for easy USB communication between a PC and the BSL of a MSP microcontroller. The MSP-BSL is a collaboration project between Olimex LTD and Texas Instruments. PCB and firmware for the MSP-BSL are open source. The MSP-BSL supports UART, I2C and SPI communication. The is available through Olimex

Order Information
Part NumberPricingStatus
MSP430FRBOOT:MSP430 FRAM Bootloader for MSP430FR5x/6x Device FamilyFreeACTIVE
MSPBOOT:MSP430 MCUs Main Memory BootloaderACTIVE
CRYPTOBSL:MSP430FR5x/FR6x Crypto-BootloaderACTIVE
MSP-BSL-FW:MSPBSL programmer firmware image and source codeACTIVE
Software (1)
NamePart NumberSoftware Type
MSP430Ware for MSP MicrocontrollersMSPWARESoftware Libraries
Development Tools (3)
NamePart NumberTool Type
Design Kits & Evaluation Modules (29)
NamePart NumberTool Type
MSP-TS430PEU128 - 128-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F6x MCUsMSP-TS430PEU128Development Kits
MSP-TS430RHB32A - 32-pin Target Development Board for MSP430i2x MCUsMSP-TS430RHB32ADevelopment Kits
CC430F5137 Wireless Development ToolEM430F5137RF900Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430D8 - 8-pin Target Development Board for MSP430G2x MCUsMSP-TS430D8Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430DA38 - 38-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F2x and MSP430G2x MCUsMSP-TS430DA38Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430DL48 - 48-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F4x MCUsMSP-TS430DL48Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430DW28 - 28-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F1x and MSP430F2x MCUsMSP-TS430DW28Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430L092 - 14-pin Target Development Board for MSP430L09x Low-Voltage MCUsMSP-TS430L092Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PM64 - 64-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F1x, MSP430F2x and MSP430F4x MCUsMSP-TS430PM64Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PM64A - 64-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F4x MCUsMSP-TS430PM64AEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PM64D - 64-pin Target Development Board for MSP430FRxx FRAM MCUsMSP-TS430PM64DEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PM64F - MSP430 64-pin FRAM Target Socket Board (Microcontrollers not included)MSP-TS430PM64FEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PN80 - 80-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F2x and MSP430F4x MCUsMSP-TS430PN80Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PN80A - 80-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F5x MCUsMSP-TS430PN80AEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PN80USB - 80-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F5x MCUsMSP-TS430PN80USBEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PW14 - 14-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F2x and MSP430G2x MCUsMSP-TS430PW14Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PW24 - 24-pin Target Development Board for MSP430AFEx MCUsMSP-TS430PW24Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PW28 - 28-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F1x and MSP430F2x MCUsMSP-TS430PW28Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PW28A - 28-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F2x and MSP430G2x MCUsMSP-TS430PW28AEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PZ100 - 100-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F4x MCUsMSP-TS430PZ100Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PZ100B - 100-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F6x MCUsMSP-TS430PZ100BEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PZ100C - 100-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F5x and MSP430F6x MCUsMSP-TS430PZ100CEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PZ100D- 100-pin Target Development Board for MSP430FRxx FRAM MCUsMSP-TS430PZ100DEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PZ100USB - 100-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F5x and MSP430F6x MCUsMSP-TS430PZ100USBEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430PZ5x100 - 100-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F5x MCUsMSP-TS430PZ5X100Evaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430RGC64USB - 64-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F5x MCUsMSP-TS430RGC64USBEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP-TS430RGZ48C - 48-pin Target Development Board for MSP430FRxx FRAM MCUsMSP-TS430RGZ48CEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP430 100-Pin Target board (Pinout A)MSP-TS430PZ100AEvaluation Modules & Boards
MSP430F534x 48-Pin Target board onlyMSP-TS430RGZ48BEvaluation Modules & Boards
TI Devices (100)
Part NumberName
MSP430FR2032MSP430FR203x Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers
MSP430FR203316 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 60 IO, 8 ch ADC10, IR Logic
MSP430FR2433MSP430FR2433 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 4 KB RAM, 19 IO, 4 Timers
MSP430FR253216 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, CapTIvate touch technology
MSP430FR253316 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, CapTIvate touch technology
MSP430FR263216 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, CapTIvate touch technology
MSP430FR2633MSP430 MCU with CapTIvate technology - the lowest power, most noise-immune capacitive touch
MSP430FR413116 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller with 4 KB FRAM, .5 KB SRAM, 60 IO, 10 ch ADC10, LCD, IR Logic
MSP430FR413216 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 60 IO, 10 ch ADC10, LCD, IR Logic
MSP430FR413316 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 60 IO, 10 ch ADC10, LCD, IR Logic
MSP430FR5720MSP430FR5724 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 4 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5721MSP430FR5725 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 4 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5722MSP430FR5722 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO and comparator
MSP430FR5723MSP430FR5723 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO and comparator
MSP430FR5724MSP430FR5724 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5725MSP430FR5725 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5726MSP430FR5726 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO and comparator
MSP430FR5727MSP430FR5727 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO and comparator
MSP430FR5728MSP430FR5728 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5729MSP430FR5729 8 MHz ULP microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5730MSP430FR5730 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 4 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5731MSP430FR5731 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 4 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5732MSP430FR5732 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO and comparator
MSP430FR5733MSP430FR5733 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO and comparator
MSP430FR5734MSP430FR5734 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5735MSP430FR5735 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 8 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5736MSP430FR5736 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO, and comparator
MSP430FR5737MSP430FR5737 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO and comparator
MSP430FR5738MSP430FR5738 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 21 IO, 10-bit ADC and comparator
MSP430FR5739MSP430FR5739 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO, 10-bit ADC & comparator
MSP430FR5739-EPMSP430FR5739 24 MHz ULP microcontroller with 16 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 32 IO, 10-bit ADC & comparator
MSP430FR5847MSP430FR5847 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR58471MSP430FR58471 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5848MSP430FR5848 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 48 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5849MSP430FR5849 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5857MSP430FR5857 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5858MSP430FR5858 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 48 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5859MSP430FR5859 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5867MSP430FR5867 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 40 IO
MSP430FR58671MSP430FR58xx Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers
MSP430FR5868MSP430FR5868 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 48 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 40 IO
MSP430FR5869MSP430FR5869 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 40 IO
MSP430FR5870MSP430FR5870 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12
MSP430FR5872MSP430FR5872 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12
MSP430FR58721MSP430FR58721 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12
MSP430FR5887MSP430FR5888 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 40 IO, ADC12, Scan IF
MSP430FR5888MSP430FR5888 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 96 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 40 IO, ADC12, Scan IF
MSP430FR5889MSP430FR5889 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 40 IO, ADC12, Scan IF
MSP430FR58891MSP430FR58891 Mixed Signal Microcontroller
MSP430FR592216 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64KB FRAM, 2KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, AES
MSP430FR5922116 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64KB FRAM, 2KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, AES
MSP430FR5947MSP430FR5947 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR59471MSP430FR59471 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5948MSP430FR5948 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 48 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5949MSP430FR5949 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5957MSP430FR5957 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5958MSP430FR5958 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 48 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5959MSP430FR5959 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 33 IO
MSP430FR5967MSP430FR5967 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32 KB FRAM, 1 KB SRAM, 40 IO
MSP430FR5968MSP430FR5968 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 48 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 40 IO
MSP430FR5969MSP430FR5969 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 40 IO
MSP430FR59691MSP430FR59691 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 40 IO
MSP430FR5970MSP430FR5970 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 32KB FRAM, 2KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, AES
MSP430FR5972MSP430FR5972 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, AES
MSP430FR59721MSP430FR59721 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCUfeaturing 64KB FRAM, 2KB SRAM, 51IO, ADC12, AES
MSP430FR5986MSP430FR5986 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 48 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 48 IO, ADC12, Scan IF, AES
MSP430FR5987MSP430FR5987 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 48 IO, ADC12, Scan IF, AES
MSP430FR5988MSP430FR5988 16 MHz UPLMicrocontroller featuring 96 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 48 IO, ADC12, Scan IF, AES
MSP430FR5989MSP430FR5989 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 48 IO, ADC12, Scan IF, AES
MSP430FR59891MSP430FR59891 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 48 IO, ADC12, ScanIF, AE
MSP430FR599416 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU With 256 KB FRAM, 8 KB SRAM, Low-Energy Vector Math Accelerator
MSP430FR6820MSP430FR6820 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 32 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR6822MSP430FR6822 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR68221MSP430FR68221 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR6870MSP430FR6870 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 32 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR6872MSP430FR6872 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR68721MSP430FR68721 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR6877MSP430FR6877 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, 16 ch ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR6879MSP430FR6879 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, 16 ch ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR68791MSP430FR68791 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, 16 ch ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR6887MSP430FR6887 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC12, LCD, Scan IF
MSP430FR6888MSP430FR6888 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 96 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC, LCD, Scan IF
MSP430FR6889MSP430FR6889 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC12, LCD, Scan IF
MSP430FR68891MSP430FR68891 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC12, LCD, ScanIF
MSP430FR6920MSP430FR6920 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 32 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 52 IO, ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR6922MSP430FR6922 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 52 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR69221MSP430FR69221 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 52 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR6927MSP430FR6927 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 52 IO, 8 ch ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR69271MSP430FR69271 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 52 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR6928MSP430FR6928 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 96 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 52 IO, 8 ch ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR6970MSP430FR6970 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 32 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, LCD
MSP430FR6972MSP430FR6972 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR69721MSP430FR69721 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power MCU featuring 64KB FRAM, 2KB SRAM, 51 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR6977MSP430FR6977 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR6979MSP430FR6979 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR69791MSP430FR69791 16 MHz UPLP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES
MSP430FR6987MSP430FR6987 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 64 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES, ESI
MSP430FR6988MSP430FR6988 16 MHz Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller featuring 96 KB FRAM, ULP ADC12, LCD, AES, ESI
MSP430FR6989MSP430FR6989 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller - 128 KB FRAM, 2KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES, Scan IF
MSP430FR69891MSP430FR69891 16 MHz ULP Microcontroller featuring 128 KB FRAM, 2 KB SRAM, 83 IO, ADC12, LCD, AES