Saint Row Iv Mods

Saint Row Iv Mods Average ratng: 7,6/10 7924 reviews

Saints Row IV, with all its faults, follows the same line of entertainment that the other titles brought to the table. However with this game we can find better mods than ever before. Some of the additions that I came across are fantastic, with some of them being pretty darn NSFW.

Saints Row 4is not a game that's meant to be taken seriously. When a game's premise is that the player takes on the role of the President of the United States -- with superpowers, no less -- and pits them against a megalomaniacal alien overlord bent on conquering Earth, it's hard to imagine things getting even more over-the-top.

That hasn't stopped players from trying, however. While the modding community of Saints Row isn't as big or varied as some others (see: Skyrim or Fallout 4), there are still a few gems in the pile of Saint's Row 4 mods that are worth checking out that give you a bunch of new toys to play with.

Here are some of the most entertaining mods you can find for Saints Row 4.

Control a Giant Mech

Modder: Alo81
Download on Saints Row Mods

You actually do get to control a mech over the course of the game's story, but it's fairly small by mech standards, likely to add a little balance and keep you from feeling too overpowered. If you don't care about that, though, this mod will give you a much larger model that you can use to wreak havoc on just about everything in sight. You don't play Saints Row to be subtle, after all.

Broken Horse Outfit

Modder: Admixon
Download on Steam Workshop

Ever want to turn Saints Row 4 into Goat.. er, Gta vice city zombie pc. Horse Simulator? Well, this mod will likely be helpful, as it does pretty much what it sounds like. It replaces your character with a horse. With broken animations. That can fly.

It's definitely one of the less elaborate mods out there (it was even an April Fool's Joke), but it should be good for some laughs if you want to see what happens when you completely throw immersion out the window.

Bigger, Blacker Holes

Modder: Alo81
Download from Saints Row Mods

This is another mod by the creator of the giant mech mod from before, and you can probably see a theme emerging here. You can unlock a Black Hole Gun by completing a side quest in the game, but this modder was seemingly disappointed by the power of the black holes it launched. This mod fixes that and should serve as an effective reminder of the terrifying power of black holes. Don't cross that event horizon, kids.


Modder: IdolNinja
Download on Saints Row Mods

This mod is a little different from the others on this list. What it essentially does is gives you the ability to revisit older areas in the game that you normally wouldn't be able to return to. It comes with several designated teleport points that you can jump to with a few key presses. It even gives you the ability to hotkey in your own custom teleport points.

The creator of this mod has a great deal of renown in the game's community -- so much so that he was hired by Volition, the developers of Saints Row, themselves. That, plus the amount of freedom this mod gives you, makes it well worth checking out.


Due to the relatively small size of the community, finding good mods for Saints Row 4 can be difficult. But that shouldn't dissuade you from checking out sites like Steam Workshop, ModDB, NexusMods, and Saints Row Mods for more awesome fan creations like these if you're interested. You might just stumble on something great!

Published Jun. 21st 2017

Saints Row IV is out now, and unlike some other open-world crime games that shall go unnamed, developer Volition released the game on PC and is planning to fully support that platform’s active modding community.

Volition is still working on the official mod tools for Saints Row IV, and it plans to release them soon. That delay, however, didn’t stop dedicated Saints Row fans from already releasing a handful of awesome mods.

“Personally, I think one thing that has been particularly exciting is that the modding community was able to take information we have provided for Saints Row 3 and use it to release several mods for Saints Row IV on the launch day,” Volition studio director of programmers told GamesBeat. “This includes a mod that provides 51 additional cheats to the game.”

And PC Saints players are craving more mods. The unofficial — but Volition-approved — Saints Row Mods website reported a 30 percent increase in registrations following the release of Saints Row IV. Activity on its message boards also increased by 292 percent.

With all that in mind, we’ve gone ahead and asked Volition to help us pick the best mods so far. We’ve collected our favorites combined with Volition’s in the gallery below:

Gallery: Gallery

Above: <a href=''>Sandbox +</a> opens up more of the game to sandbox play. This enables players to explore the Washington D.C. and Zero Dark Thirty levels at their leisure.<br /><br />It's still a work in progress. The mod's creator, IdolNinja, is still adding functionality, but you can install it and use it to instantly teleport to all kinds of different locations.<br /><br />And yes, you can run up the side of the Washington Monument.<br /><br /><a href=''>Get it.</a>

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